
Opportunities and challenges on diamond grinding cup wheels

In fact, the opportunities and challenges associated with diamond grinding wheel to exist, first talk about the opportunities in the national macro-control, the steady development of the national economy, the pace of development will be control, stability will be better. The second half of the diamond grinding cup wheel industry will continue to maintain a certain growth rate. National implementation of real estate regulation, but the building still has 10 million units of affordable housing is a type of steel targets, start building the first half of 500 million units, as well as 5 million units in the second half to start building the second half of the diamond single row cup wheel to increase water facilities construction investment, the demand for cement and steel products will increase. According to the relevant industry association statistics, annual steel production will reach 6.9 to 700,000,000 tons, an increase of 6000 to 70,000,000 tons from the previous year, non-ferrous industrial production continued to maintain steady growth in the second half, is expected to increase about 10%, is expected to cement year an output of 20 million tons, up 6.4%, diamond grinding wheel flat glass production 700 million weight cases, an increase of 6.1%, shipbuilding, the automotive industry will have a different level of growth, the demand for our products, there will be some increase in the industry. Particularly at the national launch of diamond grinding wheel strategic new industries, speed up the adjustment of product structure of the industry will play a catalytic role.

