
The whole process of diamond grinding wheel grinding

ANSWER: polished diamond grinding turbo cup wheel usually have coarse, medium and fine grinding mill three processes. Each transfer requires the use of a process are finer abrasive, and appropriate to reduce the rotational speed of the grinding wheel diamond polishing wheel, resulting in a more finely polished effect than the previous channel.

Specific steps polished diamond grinding wheel itself is subject to the workpiece surface roughness may be. In addition to aluminum material is severely scratched prints outside general machining parts are available l60 # shiny and polished, increasing 120 # kibble may be necessary prior to this time, and then the shiny, polished. Inappropriate, do not advocate a one-time ground with abrasive sand, otherwise only reduces efficiency, but also affect the life of the grinding wheel polished diamond continous rim cup wheel.

In order to improve the quality polished, while coarse machining time must be left rough machining marks mill to make way, the grinding time and must be left when roughing mill prints do, so workpiece surface finish and gradually improved improve, otherwise not only labor costs and material costs, the quality can not be guaranteed.

To avoid duplication of polished road marks, and improve the efficiency of grinding and polishing quality in every way polished diamond grinding cup wheel to wheel in the front channels are required to wear scar cross.

